Annual Summer Picnic & Family Fun Day – Pay Online Now Available!
Join us Saturday, June 20 from 1pm to 8pm for our “Annual Summer Picnic and Family Fun Day” on the river at the home of Kit and David Burnett located at 438 Cowpasture River Farm Road, Millboro, VA 24460. An RSVP is required.
3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Socialize, games, guided river float
5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Cocktail hour
6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Picnic dinner
The cost is $10 per person; children 12 and under are free.
Beverages and meat will be provided by the Association.
Bring your lawn chairs and a covered dish item. (You will be assigned a category for your covered dish item when you RSVP.)
From I-64, take Rt. 42 North exacty 6 miles. The sign for Cowpasture River Farm Road is the first left after one passes the “Welcome to Bath County” sign. It will also be the first street sign after crossing the Cowpasture River on Rt. 42 North.
From Rt. 39, drive 10 miles down Rt. 42 South. The Cowpasture River Farm Road is the first right after one passes the Indian Hill Road and Virginia Elks Boys Camp sign. If one passes over the Cowpasture River Bridge, then turn around and go back over the bridge to the first left, which is Cowpasture River Farm Road.
NEW for 2019: Prepay online!
Select the number of attendees from the drop-down menu below and click Register Now. You will be directed to pay via Paypal.
*Please send registrant information to or call Lynne Griffith, CRPA Executive Assistant, at (540) 620-7795 once payment is submitted.
This report assesses threats and likely impacts to waterbodies in Virginia during the construction and operation of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), two large natural gas pipelines that, as proposed, would cross rivers and streams over 1,000 times in Virginia. Specifically, this report focuses on erosion and sedimentation threats, as well as threats to drinking water supplies for cities like Norfolk and Roanoke, trout streams, minority communities like Emporia and Franklin, the Chesapeake Bay, and wetlands like the Great Dismal Swamp.
The Cowpasture River Preservation Association and Fort Lewis Lodge & Farm invite artists of any medium to join us for The Second Annual CRPA Artist Retreat…