2023 CRPA Annual Meeting and Dinner
SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2023
Join us for good company and excellent food at our Annual Meeting and Dinner
5:00—6:00 pm Social Hour and Raffle
6:00—7:00 pm Catered Dinner
7:00—8:00 pm Presentation by Brian Watson (Topic — Mussel Restoration) Business Meeting — Vote on New Directors for the Board
Camp Mont Shenandoah
218 Mont Shenandoah Lane
Millboro, VA 24460
$35 per person — please pay in advance
$25 for children (ages 12 and under)
No refunds after May 13, 2023
To make alternate payment arrangements, email Lynne Griffith at directorcrpa@gmail.com or call 540-620-7795.
Registration deadline is May 13, 2023 (or, AT LEAST email your intentions by that date — we have to guarantee the number attending to the caterer).