
The Wonder of Vernal Pools

The Wonder of Vernal Pools

Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

Join Arne Peterson for the sights and sounds of a vernal pool in springtime. We’ll check out the peepers, wood frogs, salamanders, and fairy shrimps. You will need a strong flashlight, waterproof boots, and a lawn chair. Once the sun goes down, we can all sit around the campfire and discuss what we saw. Feel free to bring snacks and drinks. Meet up at 6:30 p.m. at Arne’s place (address to be given upon RSVP).

Limited to 12 people. The cost is $10.

Arne Peterson Bio:

Arne is a long-time CRPA member. He has organized and coordinated the Virginia Highlands Wood Duck Club for 30 years. In addition, he ran the Rockbridge Ducks Unlimited Club for five years. He is also the head of the Environment Committee at his local Ruritan Club where he coordinated the development and building of the nature trail by Millboro Elementary School.

Registration is $10.

Enter your information below to register. Once the form is filled out, you will be directed to the payment page. Registration is not complete until payment is received.

If you would like to make arrangements to pay by check or have questions, please email

(Photo courtesy of Virginia DWR website)