Construction of Atlantic Coast Pipeline will destroy lands, endanger state’s waters
Construction of Atlantic Coast Pipeline will destroy lands, endanger state’s waters.
Longtime CRPA Member, Bill Hardbarger, passed away on March 12, 2020.
Bill lived most of his life within view of the Cowpasture River, and he loved it dearly.
One of his passions was river education for students of all ages.
In an effort to carry on his legacy, we started up the Bill Hardbarger Educational Scholarship Fund three years ago. Auction items this year include several beautiful paintings, various woodwork items, homemade craft items, a backyard foraging tour, a forest bathing tour, baked goods and other items. All proceeds will benefit the scholarship fund.
Bidding opens up at 6:00 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, September 1st, and it wraps up at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday evening, September 18th.
If you should have any problem navigating through the auction, please notify Lynne at the contact information below:
EMAIL: Lynne Griffith, CRPA Executive Assistant at
PHONE: 540-620-7795